Key Women Educators
The name of the organization, Delta Kappa Gamma, is a combination of Greek letters. These letters are the initials for the Greek phrase ∆ιδασκαοι Κλειδουχοι Γυναικεz. Written with the English alphabet, the phrase is Didaskotikai Kleidouchai Gynaikes which gives us DKG, the name we use for the organization today. Literally translated into English, Didaskotikai Kleidouchai Gynaikes means "teachers key women" which gives us the description of our members: Key Women Educators.
Find out more about our leaders and our governing documents. More information on our organization is found at
Find out more about our leaders and our governing documents. More information on our organization is found at
Founders & PresidentsWe honor the twelve women educators who founded our organization in Texas.
Current LeadersWe support the women educators who lead all aspects of a global organization.
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